Company Blog By John
As we now work our way into the summer month certain old and familiar
insect pests enter our everyday consciousness. Crickets and scorpions!
Crickets, those noisy annoying hopping critters are attracted to our homes
for a number of reasons, particularly lights, odors from trash containers,
organic materials such as leaves and dead bugs. Of note are dog dishes
and water bowls, great sources of food for the crickets.
Occasionally crickets do manage to get into our homes. They are no threat
of harm to humans but can on occasions feed on cloth and paper in the
home. Another unattractive condition about crickets is their incessant
chirping. Chirping is the male cricket’s way of attracting a mate.
As your choice of Complete Pest Management, we will make a dedicated
effort to control these creatures by using micro-encapsulated materials to
the specific areas where crickets hide during the day. These typically are
landscape rocks, flower and planter beds, wood piles and storage rooms
and sheds.